UAVT & KPS Web Services
UAVT (National Address Database) web services (KEOSMAKSSService) ensure the sharing of numbering data in accordance with e-Government standards. It consists of the service that provides integration with the MAKS (General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs) and the components connected to this service carried out by the NVGIM (General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs) . With KEOSMAKSSService, authorized administrations can send the address/numbering data they produce to NVGIM easily. Instant synchronization with integration is provided by sending information such as neighborhood, road, gate number, building, which are produced with Netcad GIS capabilities and updated daily, to MAKS as soon as they are created in the administration's geographical database.
Administrations can access central data by analyzing and reporting on the data in their own databases; can provide information on a city guide map open to the citizen for areas in the area of responsibility. They can use the WMS and WFS services provided by MAKS as a base layer for their operations, and download all the data in MAKS to their databases. In this way, in addition to sharing, the dataset requested by MAKS can also be used in daily operations.
KPS (Identity Sharing System) web service (KEOS.KPSService) is an application that provides access to identit credentials of individuals. It ensures the use of identity and residence information in MERNIS (Central Population Management System) and UAVT managed by the NVGIM by the relevant administrations. Administrations can access MERNIS and UAVT data such as address and cadastre, download, store and compare this information against the one on their own systems.
Administrations can access central data by analyzing and reporting on the data in their own databases; can provide information on a city guide map open to the citizen for areas in the area of responsibility. They can use the WMS and WFS services provided by MAKS as a base layer for their operations, and download all the data in MAKS to their databases. In this way, in addition to sharing, the dataset requested by MAKS can also be used in daily operations.
KPS (Identity Sharing System) web service (KEOS.KPSService) is an application that provides access to identit credentials of individuals. It ensures the use of identity and residence information in MERNIS (Central Population Management System) and UAVT managed by the NVGIM by the relevant administrations. Administrations can access MERNIS and UAVT data such as address and cadastre, download, store and compare this information against the one on their own systems.