With NSign, you can securely sign your projects. You can easily access them, store them, and improve your project processes.


Main Features of the Product

You can check the technical specifications page to review detailed features and technical descriptions.

Signs, Packages and Checks
You can check and sign your files created in Netcad GIS or other applications with NSign and create new signature packages.
Advanced Verification
With NSign signature checking capability, you can make the necessary reviews on your work and view the approvals.
Securely Share Your Signed Data
You can sign, check and share your CAD data within the Netcad GIS application.
Paperless Workflow
By eliminating costs such as printing, scanning and copying, you can approve your large projects without spending a single sheet of paper.
Increase Cooperation
By controlling multiple signatures at the same time, you can increase collaboration in your projects.
Minimize Errors
You can make more comprehensive checks and minimize errors in your work.

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